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Imprägniermittel für Gips-Stuck-Elemente 1L
Imprägniermittel für Gips-Stuck-Elemente 1L
Imprägniermittel für Gips-Stuck-Elemente 1L
Imprägniermittel für Gips-Stuck-Elemente 1L
Imprägniermittel für Gips-Stuck-Elemente 1L
Imprägniermittel für Gips-Stuck-Elemente 1L
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Imprägniermittel für Gips-Stuck-Elemente 1L

  • A super efficient product for impregnation of gypsum-based materials giving hydrophobic properties. NANOQUICK® Gypsum effectively protects the material against penetration into the structure of water, dirt and protects.
Litr [ger]
59,99 zł(Rabatt 25%)
45,00 zł
/ szt. Brutto
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Imprägniermittel für Gips-Stuck-Elemente 1L
Imprägniermittel für Gips-Stuck-Elemente 1L
Litr [ger]:1
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Product description:
Efficient product for impregnation of gypsum materials giving hydrophobic properties. NANOQUICK® Gypsum product effectively protects the material against penetration into the structure of water, dirt and tar substances of various types. Impregnation is carried out by means of the spraying method. The product does not contain silicones, waxes or oils.GIPSUM is resistant to external factors, including UV radiation. NANOQUICK® GOLD products are based on the NANOQUICK® PROTECT formula for long-term surface protection. Capacity: 0.10-0.15 l/m2.
Before starting work, remember about the basic principles of occupational health and safety. Ready to use product, under no circumstances dilute or add any other liquids. At the beginning of work, clean the protected material so that the surface is completely clean, degreased and dry. The substrate must also be free of structural defects and cavities. Before starting work, secure other materials not subject to impregnation. The product is applied using the HVLP low pressure method. It is best to use a gun that has a nozzle with a diameter of 1.3 mm to 1.5 mm. You can also apply the product with a brush or roller. Before the correct protection, test on a small piece of material and check whether the effect achieved is desired. Apply the product evenly on the material, ONLY ONE PACKAGE. For highly absorbent substrates, use more product, remove excess product. The product can be used in the temperature range +2 to + 35 °C. The product is not frost resistant due to water content. Remember that the material to be protected until it is dry should not come into contact with water and other liquids (minimum 2-3 hours). Keep the material away from children in a place that is difficult to reach.

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